Thursday, January 5, 2012

Why do we Age?

In our 20's - Studies say that 80% of the free radical damage that happens is done before we hit our 20's. The sun, the hectic lifestyles, irregular diet and sleep, all this adds up to puffiness, damage, and toxic overload. We should be protecting our skin in our 20s. 

  • After all!! ..... it's the largest organ on our body
And 30's - This is when we start to see the beginnings of fine lines and wrinkles. Our rejuvenation of our skin slows down which can cause us to have a dull and un-even complexion. So we should be slowing the rate of collagen and elastin loss that happens in our 30s

And 40's - Our adipose tissue starts to diminish which exposes a thinner more sensitive skin. This is the tissue at the top layer of our skin. The moisture barrier is decaying and we are more prone to sun spots, age spots, and spider veins. So it's important for us to increase our hydration levels in our skin. 

And 50's - Hormonal changes are taking place and our pores are becoming larger. So it's important for us to support the collagen that is left in our skin. 

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