May 21, 2012
Katy Rodan applies Acaphor Healing Ointment at night when her skin is dry. Put it on your hands, cuticles, and even your face. It's $6 in the drugstores
March 4, 2012
Want to know why celebrities never look cakey on the red carpet?
Instead of piling on the concealer, reduce acne inflammations with nasal spray and Visine. Dr. Kathy Fields, dermatologist and one of the creators of Proactiv explains,
“Visine and nasal sprays are vasoconstrictors, so they work like a topical steroid.” Vasoconstrictors also shrink blood vessels, so using products of this type not only helps with red pimples, but also for puffiness and undereye circles.

Red Carpet Secret: A Long-Lasting Lip Color That Won't Air Kiss Off
Ever notice how kids mixing Jell-O get red all over their hands – and the evidence lingers for days? With this concept in mind, makeup artist Joanna Schlip hit upon a genius way to make a red lip last all night. “Lick your lips and then smooth on Cherry Jell-O. Simply dip fingers into the powder packet and apply to moist lips for a long-lasting stain,” she explains. Layer a moisture-rich red lippie on top for a bold pout that has more staying power than a Kardashian.
Our daily regimens we use are just as important as what we are eating, how much we are sleeping, and how much we are moving.
- Exercise gets our blood moving and slows the aging process
- White starchy foods are pro-inflammatory & accelerate the aging process --> So stick to whole grains, fruits, veggies, and foods rich in antioxidants like omega 3 & 6.
- Have difficulty falling asleep? try some warm milk, cherries (which has melatonin) an hour before bed. Train yourself to sleep on your back so we don't wake up to creases on our skin
Personal experience: Exercising prepares me for sleep later. When I get a good work-out I sleep like a baby
Loading up on too much caffeine is 'no bueno.' Stick to one cup a day but no more than two. It increases stress, increase dehydration, and all that takes a toll on our complexion. It's also a reason why we can't fall asleep at night. Soda has caffeine too. The rule goes: No caffeine or soda after 3pm.
- If you are caffeine lover then drink your caffeine earlier in the day and stop at 3pm. After doing this you can start cutting down.
I'll have no more than 2 cups of coffee a day... And I LOVE coffee! **but I love my skin too ;)
- The Doctors actually recommend a multi-vitamin and a protein smoothie to start the day if we have skimped on the zzzzzs the night before.
- Still tired?? Try a 5 hour energy. It's all natural. (I've tried one of these before and they are awesome)
Did you know the Skin Care Foundation recommends we get Vitamin D from other sources then just the Sun?
1,000 - 2,000 IU Daily or 10,000 IU weekly is recommended. Benefits are enhanced bone health and immune system support. The scientific data is solid and it's been proven for good health and longevity. Click this hyper-link for more information.
Are you interested in reading more about what I have in this e-mail? Then check out the attachment. I gave the most important points.
So I hope you all find this very helpful and informational. For those that know me - I'm very in tune with health and fitness cause what we eat and do represents who we are.