Thursday, September 27, 2012

Customer Reviews

One of my customer's feedback: 

 Hi Shelly,
"You are SO good at updating us and making sure we keep up to our products! What program did you use for that stationary? By the way, you might want to look up . . . just in case you havent . . . "parabens". Rodan + Fields products DOES NOT have them, so that might be another selling factor for you." 

If any of you would like to be added to the email list let me know: put Skin Care in the subject line. 

How Can You Address Acne and Aging at the Same time?

Email: for more information

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Anti-Aging on the Inside is Important as Well

Tips to Slow down the Aging Process: 

1. Stimulating the brain = in order to stay young a person needs to feel young. It's important we do exercises that stimulate the brain. 
    I personally like doing Sudoku puzzles. These are great. Download the free app on your smartphone. This is so important. Read, take a different route, memorize a quote every day, be creative and make something up, and then we'll be doing our bodies good!  


2. Eat well = I can't stress this enough. When I eat well I notice the difference. (In my skin and my energy) Fruits, veggies, and whole grains. 
    Don't want to chop up all the fruits and veggies. Just throw it in a blender with some water and protein powder. That's what I do! 

3. Exercise = Consider aerobic exercise/cardio as your daily routine. It'll increase muscle strength, build bone density and stamina which slow down the aging process. 

4. Increase your antioxidant intake = It will neutralize the effects of free radicals. Free radicals arise normally during metabolism and sometimes our bodies purposely create them to destroy bacteria and viruses. Free radicals also come from pollution, cigarette smoke, radiation, & herbacides. If antioxidants aren't available to fight off these free radicals, than damage can occur. Free radicals increase with age. 
    Eat some dark colored veggies. (I put kale, celery, berries, and whatever else I desire into a blender with water) 


5. Sleep = Sleep at least 6 hours a night because less sleep can cause mental and physical deterioration of our bodies.
    Having a hard time sleeping?? Don't look at your cell-phone an hour before you go to bed and put text messages on silent. Also, our bodies go into deeper sleep when the room is cold. Consider taking a hot bath before bed, because when our bodies release melatonin when it cools down. Melatonin is our natural sleep aid.  
6. HGH = (Human growth hormone) Plenty studies have shown that HGH therapy help balance the hormones in our body which keep it young and healthy. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Customer Feedback


My grandma is reordering the REVERSE Exfoliating Wash & the Skin Lightning Toner from Rodan + Fields. She says the price is reasonable, and there is no other product like it. Other expensive brands out there didn't compare for her. Check out my website to read more about the product:

Saturday, August 18, 2012

August 8, 2012

1 in 5 Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime, yet only 1 in 5 wear sunscreen on a daily basis to prevent this disease. 

  • Rain or shine the sun penetrates through windows on cars and in offices. So even indoors you can be risking yourself for sun-damage 
  • It's never too late to start protecting yourself from the sun. You'll protect your skin from future sun damage

Rodan + Fields has a sunscreen moisturizer for the day time. It's called Reverse Broad Spectrum 50+ Sunscreen. It's $41Click here to Purchase It contains ShieldRF which increases the sunscreen protection when you are in the sun. Also licorice and mulberry extract to help brighten dull skin. It has vitamin E and green tea to fight free radicals and prevent future damage. It contains: Homosalate 10%, Octisalate 5%, Avobenzone 3%, Octocrylene 2.6%

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Reduction of Collagen & Elastin

Both Collagen and Elastin naturally diminish or break down with age and chronic sun exposure... pores become more enlarged when collagen and elastin gives skin its elasticity and stretch.

This night renewing serum contain active retinols and peptides. Peptides boost natural collagen production to reduce the appearance of wrinkles & increase skin firmness & elasticity. Retinol enhances cell turnover & minimizes the appearance of pores...
When the air touches Retinol or Peptide, it reduces the strength of the ingredient. That's why the night renewing serum comes with 60 capsules: as a 60 day supply... My focus is acne so this serum last me a few months since I'll apply it every few nights.  It's $89 retail price. You pay for what you get. 

The Location of Wrinkles
Collagen has different levels of strength throughout your body. If you pull the skin on your thigh and pull the skin under your eye, you'll notice that the skin on your thigh is much thicker and taught than under your eyes. Our eyes are more prone to wrinkles

To Repair Wrinkles
As we get older we tend to lose the fat in our face, which is why our skin gets saggy. Dermatologists have started injecting fat to bring back the youthful glow of our skin. But we still wont get the full effect because our natural youthful glow releases hormones and estrogen  to enhance the appearance.

My Thought  ..... How about hormone therapy?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

In your 20's??

In our 20's, cell renewal drops 28% and our skin cells aren't as easily shed. It's important to exfoliate so we help the shedding process. It may sound early but this is a great time to start an Anti-Age Regimen. Our main focus here is prevention. Start early and you'll thank yourself later in your life.

Also what's very important at this age is sunscreen. Eighty percent of how we age is based on our exposure from the sun, so a broad-spectrum sunscreen of at least 30 is the best. A broad-spectrum sunscreen protects against UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays penetrate deep into our skin, and our skin consist of three layers. UVA rays cause wrinkles, sagging, and leathering of the skin; it's also the main culprit for skin cancer. UVB rays just burn the top layer.

"Tanning salons have UVA and not UVB rays" - that's why I call them Cancer in a Box

I wear Rodan+Fields Reverse Environmental Shield SPF 55 and put sunscreen everywhere if I'm in the sun. I use the Unblemish regimen at night before bed and then I use the Reverse regimen in the morning. The Reverse step 1 'Exfoliating Wash' really evens out my skin before I apply my make-up. It has made my face flawless. Such amazing products that have transformed my skin for the best.
*I have acne so Unblemish keeps my skin under control and the Reverse really brightens my skin and evens everything out.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Monday, May 21, 2012

Want to Soothe your sunburn??

May 21, 2012

Nurse Mary recommends using Soothe products if you are sunburned. Here is a great video to watch while you have a cup of coffee.

This next video explains how the 'Sun' is our most accelerated factor in Aging. Sun damage can be Reversed and controlled. REVERSE Regimen

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Why is My Skin Always Dry??

If you're wondering why your skin is continuously dry no matter how much moisturizer you use, then watch this video. The key to improving your dryness is EXFOLIATION. 

We recommend using this microdermabrasion paste 2-3 a week. It's a high glide, oil-free formula to promote gentle exfoliation. Use it to enhance cell turnover and improve skin tone and texture. Lucky Magazine reports that it smoothes away rough spots. ($77)  CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ready for Summer?

June 14, 2012
Breezy Mama's 3rd Annual Sunscreen Review had Rodan +  Fields Anti-Age triple Defense Treatment, Anti-Age Hand Balm, and Essentials Lip Shield SPF 25 for good sun protection this summer 
31QmW1 mYzL. SL500 AA300  Breezy Mamas 3rd Annual Sunscreen Review
A little goes a long way and this cream makes my skin look really smooth
The cream contains “. . . a clinically-proven dose of corrective peptides to help strengthen skin’s structure, reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles and firming skin. Exclusive SHIELDrf sunscreen technology combines stabilized avobenzone and free radical fighting colorless carotenoids for prolonged UVA protection and decelerated photoaging. Optical brighteners immediately minimize the appearance of skin flaws while barrier-protecting dimethicone and hyaluronic acid maintain moisture levels
To purchase Triple Defense Treatment, $80, click here

image021 Breezy Mamas 3rd Annual Sunscreen Review
Hand Balm is packaged like a push-up deodorant so no need to wash your palms after applying it. Apply over your hands before driving or playing tennis. I keep it in my car! Contains Vit C, UVA/UVB protections, and shieldrf technology.
To purchase Hand Balm, $43, click here

Lip Shield goes on smoothly and leaves a glossy finish! SPF 25.  This non-waxy formula contains collagen-stimulating peptides to smooth lip texture, lipid molecules for long-term moisturization and dimethicone to protect the delicate moisture barrier. Vitamins A, C and E provide anti-oxidant protection, while shea butter, avocado and sunflower seed oil hydrate and moisturize
To purchase Lip Shield, $16, click here  (and it comes with Two!)

Stay away form the tanning beds!

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has found that tanning can increase your risk of Melanoma by 75%. Melanoma is the most lethal form of skin cancer. 
You think it's sanitized??  .... Think Again!... The Agency also found fecal matter on the beds that are supposed to be sanitized. Gross! Poo poo 


  • Use a foaming sunless tanner with Vitamins A, C, & E. These vitamins will protect your skin from free radical damage.  
  • Exfoliate your skin first 
  • Apply moisturizer to your knuckles, elbows, and knees to get an even application
  • After you apply use 'acetone' to clear any uneven streaks. 

Our Rodan + Fields Essentials Sunless Tanner has vitamins A, C, & E. It's light weight, oil-free sunless tanning foam applies easily and dries quickly. $24 or $21 preferred customer price. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Hand Treatment Regimen

The ANTI-AGE Hand Treatment Regimen

This was just 15 minute results. It brightens and evens the skin tone, restores moisture to improve elasticity and resiliency, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and crepey skin, and most important, wont giveaway your age.

It was featured in the Redbook Magazine

It can be purchased here Hand Treatment Regimen

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Feb 2012, Allure Magazine ad

Rodan + Fields Night Renewing Serum was featured in the February issue of Allure Magazine. Each capsule contained one dose of Retinol and Peptides in a very clever delivery system. The capsule preserves the Retinol so you get the same amount every time. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

You don't have to Live with Acne

30% of Women get break-outs throughout their life and it could be worse during some time of the month. The pore gets plugged, bacteria grows, and our body acts by inflammation which then turns red. UNBLEMISH STOPS THE PROCESS that's happening inside your skin... Scaring is internal and external. It's not curable BUT it's controllable, treatable, and preventable. It doesn't work to treat acne bump by bump, you have to have a regimen to control and prevent it.

Here is a great video to watch over coffee about the UBLEMISH Regimen.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Health and Skin Tips

May 21, 2012

Katy Rodan applies Acaphor Healing Ointment at night when her skin is dry. Put it on your hands, cuticles, and even your face. It's $6 in the drugstores  

March 4, 2012

Want to know why celebrities never look cakey on the red carpet?
Instead of piling on the concealer, reduce acne inflammations with nasal spray and Visine. Dr. Kathy Fields, dermatologist and one of the creators of Proactiv explains,
Visine and nasal sprays are vasoconstrictors, so they work like a topical steroid.” Vasoconstrictors also shrink blood vessels, so using products of this type not only helps with red pimples, but also for puffiness and undereye circles.

Red Carpet Secret: A Long-Lasting Lip Color That Won't Air Kiss Off
Ever notice how kids mixing Jell-O get red all over their hands – and the evidence lingers for days? With this concept in mind, makeup artist Joanna Schlip hit upon a genius way to make a red lip last all night. “Lick your lips and then smooth on Cherry Jell-O. Simply dip fingers into the powder packet and apply to moist lips for a long-lasting stain,” she explains. Layer a moisture-rich red lippie on top for a bold pout that has more staying power than a Kardashian.

Our daily regimens we use are just as important as what we are eating, how much we are sleeping, and how much we are moving. 
Exercise gets our blood moving and slows the aging process
White starchy foods are pro-inflammatory & accelerate the aging process --> So      stick to whole grains,  fruits, veggies, and foods rich in antioxidants like omega 3 & 6. 
- Have difficulty falling asleep? try some warm milk, cherries (which has melatonin) an hour before bed.  Train yourself to sleep on your back so we don't wake up to creases on our skin
Personal experience: Exercising prepares me for sleep later. When I get a good work-out I sleep like a  baby 

Loading up on too much caffeine is 'no bueno.'  Stick to one cup a day but no more than two. It increases stress, increase dehydration, and all that takes a toll on our complexion. It's also a reason why we can't fall asleep at night. Soda has caffeine too. The rule goes: No caffeine or soda after 3pm. 
- If you are caffeine lover then drink your caffeine earlier in the day and stop at 3pm. After doing this you  can start cutting down.  
  I'll have no more than 2 cups of coffee a day... And I LOVE coffee!  **but I love my skin too ;)
- The Doctors actually recommend a multi-vitamin and a protein smoothie to start the day if we have  skimped on the zzzzzs the night before. 
Still tired?? Try a 5 hour energy. It's all natural. (I've tried one of these before and they are awesome)

Did you know the Skin Care Foundation recommends we get Vitamin D from other sources then just the Sun?
1,000 - 2,000 IU Daily or 10,000 IU weekly is recommended. Benefits are enhanced bone health and immune system support. The scientific data is solid and it's been proven for good health and longevity. Click this hyper-link for more information.  

Are you interested in reading more about what I have in this e-mail? Then check out the attachment. I gave the most important points. 

So I hope you all find this very helpful and informational. For those that know me - I'm very in tune with health and fitness cause what we eat and do represents who we are.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Do you have sensitive skin or rosacea?

Over 15% of women may have facial redness either from irritation or rosacea. Rodan + Fields Sensitive Skin Treatment is here to help. It's anti-inflammatory ingredients and light-diffusing pigments diminish irritation and redness when used daily. 
It was featured in the February issue of Real Simple magazine (page 80)

Click on the link to purchase this product: Soothe Sensitive Skin Treatment


  • This can also be used to quiet dry chapped skin during the winter. Even your hands! 
  • Suffering from RAZOR BURN?? Use this as an after-shave balm. It will calm red bumps and itchiness for men and women.
  • Some people can suffer from product overload. This will help normalize your skin. 
  • Are you a man with sensitive skin?? Try the Soothe Gentle Cream Wash as a shaving lotion and the Sensitive Skin Treatment as the after-shave. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Our Anti-Age Eyecloths were featured in the Dance Spirit Magazine as an editors choice to remove eye-makeup

To PURCHASE the product click on this link: Anti-Age Eyecloths

Sunday, February 5, 2012


So besides Rodan + Fields products to keeping our skin looking the most youthful, I found that Super Collagen by NeoCell is just an amazing supplement women can take to include in their daily regimens. This is the powder form and the most purest. You can take in with Orange Juice because the Vitamin C helps break down the powder and get the most digestion. I you have have acne this can help along with your regimen to clear up your skin, it also helps with improving elasticity and strengthening our hair, ligaments, bones, and muscles. Add this to your regimen and, I promise, you will be on your way to super star healthy and glowing skin.   Here is the direct link on Amazon where you can read the reviews and purchase. Super Collagen  

  1. We loose 1% of collagen each year starting at age 29
  2. Collagen is broken down daily by the sun and free radical damage.
 Our Reverse Environmental Shield SPF 55 has a unique complex of stabilized avobenzone and antioxidant/anti-inflammatory colorless carotenoids provides prolonged broad spectrum protection. Now while the Reverse Regimen reverses the signs of past damage, Environmental Shield SPF 55's prevents new discolorations from forming. Vitamin E and green tea also fight free radicals and prevent future damage from occurring, while licorice extract and mulberry help to brighten dull skin. Other natural ingredients and PEG-10 Dimethicone help condition and protect the skin.
Want to purchase this product?? Click on this link Reverse Environmental Shield SPF 55

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Lip Renewing Serum In the News

Last week featured the Anti-Age Lip Renewing serum as a top product for winter chapping. Click this link to check it out

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Why do we Age?

In our 20's - Studies say that 80% of the free radical damage that happens is done before we hit our 20's. The sun, the hectic lifestyles, irregular diet and sleep, all this adds up to puffiness, damage, and toxic overload. We should be protecting our skin in our 20s. 

  • After all!! ..... it's the largest organ on our body
And 30's - This is when we start to see the beginnings of fine lines and wrinkles. Our rejuvenation of our skin slows down which can cause us to have a dull and un-even complexion. So we should be slowing the rate of collagen and elastin loss that happens in our 30s

And 40's - Our adipose tissue starts to diminish which exposes a thinner more sensitive skin. This is the tissue at the top layer of our skin. The moisture barrier is decaying and we are more prone to sun spots, age spots, and spider veins. So it's important for us to increase our hydration levels in our skin. 

And 50's - Hormonal changes are taking place and our pores are becoming larger. So it's important for us to support the collagen that is left in our skin.