Thursday, June 7, 2012

In your 20's??

In our 20's, cell renewal drops 28% and our skin cells aren't as easily shed. It's important to exfoliate so we help the shedding process. It may sound early but this is a great time to start an Anti-Age Regimen. Our main focus here is prevention. Start early and you'll thank yourself later in your life.

Also what's very important at this age is sunscreen. Eighty percent of how we age is based on our exposure from the sun, so a broad-spectrum sunscreen of at least 30 is the best. A broad-spectrum sunscreen protects against UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays penetrate deep into our skin, and our skin consist of three layers. UVA rays cause wrinkles, sagging, and leathering of the skin; it's also the main culprit for skin cancer. UVB rays just burn the top layer.

"Tanning salons have UVA and not UVB rays" - that's why I call them Cancer in a Box

I wear Rodan+Fields Reverse Environmental Shield SPF 55 and put sunscreen everywhere if I'm in the sun. I use the Unblemish regimen at night before bed and then I use the Reverse regimen in the morning. The Reverse step 1 'Exfoliating Wash' really evens out my skin before I apply my make-up. It has made my face flawless. Such amazing products that have transformed my skin for the best.
*I have acne so Unblemish keeps my skin under control and the Reverse really brightens my skin and evens everything out.
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